Rochelle Stops By Titanic: The Exhibit!

The tale of the Titanic has captivated our hearts since that ill-fated night. While the ship itself exuded grandeur and might, what eclipsed was the tragedy that struck the hearts of everyone who heard what befell the unsinkable ship.

Titanic: the Exhibition showcases artifacts and replicas of the historic cruise. From the engineers and crew behind the ship to the passengers (both the victims and survivors), and immerses us in what life on the ship was like for first class, second class, and third class guests. From the dock you step aboard the ship and walk down a pristine hallway of the first class. Dance in the ballroom and revel in the grand staircase, a masterpiece of beauty in and of itself. Sweat in the boiler room, then emerge onto the promenade deck where the waters are calm and the night sky twinkles with stars. Then prepare for the cataclysmic moment, the iceberg that sunk the ship. Feel the cold surround you, and touch the ice to give you a glimpse of how cold the waters were. You will sense the chaos that ensued that night, how ill-equipped and unprepared the Titanic and its people were. Read the names of the victims and survivors, and feel the gut wrenching devastation of families and lovers separated or doomed to their final resting place forever. See footage of the actual underwater necropolis. And although it’s been decades since I’ve seen the movie, this exhibit reawakened the urge to watch it again with a new lens. Costumes and that iconic “Heart of the Ocean” necklace are there on display too, as well as a trumpeter playing “My Heart Will Go On” every time a new tour is about to depart.

VIP passholders are able to bypass the lines, and are given replica boarding passes with a name and info of one of the passengers. They are also given a ticket to take a green screen photo of themselves “on the ship”, complete with props of choice.

I highly recommend this exhibit! While I am not a fan of turning tragedies into spectacles, I am fascinated by the whole history nonetheless, and am always on the side of learning from mistakes – and yes, this one has a magnitude of them!

Get your tickets and check find out more here!

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