Safe Drugs In San Diego Prevents Loss Of Life

When it comes to drugs, the harm is definite, but unfortunately due to the specific actions in the groups that brings the drugs into our country, some drugs may hold an additional risk in the form of things like fentanyl, or other inappropriate additives.

Drugs will never truly be completely safe, but one group in San Diego is doing their party to help reduce the additional additive issues and inform potential victims.

The Harm Reduction Coalition Of San Diego is a small group of people in San Diego that offer free Narcan, an emergency treatment for opioid overdoses, clean needles, to people who still want or need to use, and drug testing, to prevent poisoning from additives.

They’ve made their services available to the homeless, public events and concerts, and around town.

The group even hands out self testing strips, because they know they can’t be at every place, but unlike their FTIR Spectrometer, the strips will only test for fentanyl.

Since purchasing their testing unit, the group has helped test over 700 drugs, and have gone above and beyond to help keep our cities most vulnerable people a little safer.

To find out how you can help the group, or to gain their services head Here!

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