We connected with Black + Decker at Pepcom a couple of sessions ago. At the event they showcased the amazing Kitchen Wand. When we were offered the chance to review the unit, we jumped at the chance! We didn’t just get the main unit though, we got our hands on the whole 6 piece accessory kit!
Included in the kit is an Immersion blender, a whisk, a milk frothier, a can opener, a wine opener, and a pepper and salt grinder
This handy device and it’s dual carrying cases are full of all the accessories any great chef would need, outside of a knife! Whether you’re an expert or not, having the right tools for the job will always be a benefit.
In the video we show off the milk frothier, and how well it works. We also have used the devices since filming, and we love it! The can opener was smooth, quick, and great for ease of use. The whisk head helps mix up things too delicate for the blender. As for the grinder, we’ve used it for more then just pepper and it really adds a lot of variety to our kitchen!
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