There are a lot of comic books coming out next month, and the last Comics Round Up of the month is dedicated to what is coming out the following month. So here are some of the comics I am looking forward to, that are coming out next coming month!
Kneel Before Zod #1 (from DC Comics)
Releasing January 2nd, 2024
The world of Superman is turned on its head, when this dark comic book deals with what would happen if Zod took over Earth, and had everything he ever wanted. When would enough be enough for this megalomaniac monster. Created by Joe Casey with art from Dan McDaid.
Marvel Meow #1 (from Marvel Comics)
Releasing January 3rd, 2024
The world of Marvel, but focusing on the felines of heroes. The story will focus on Chewie, Liho, and Alpine as they go on cat based adventures and take down villians in the process. Created by Nao Fuji.
Jackpot #1 (from Marvel Comics)
Releasing January 17th, 2024
Mary Jane, now with her own powers, and super hero identity, JACKPOT, ventures through New York City taking on criminal gangs as super powers have taken gang wars to the next level. Created by Celeste Bronfman with art from Joey Vazquez.
Star Wars: Thrawn – Alliances #1 (from Marvel Comics)
Releasing January 24th, 2024
Thrawn enters the pages of Star Wars Comics, with the characters tactical prowesses being showcased within the pages. If you want a better understanding of what makes this villian so dangerous, then check out this comic book series! Created by Timothy Zahn and Jody Houser with art from Pat Olliffe and Andrea Di Vito.
Rick and Morty: Maximum Crescendo #1 (from Omni Press Comics)
Releasing January 2nd, 2024
Were you a fan of the Concerto tag at the end of the Rick and Morty episode? Want to see the story that lead to that event? Well, now is your chance! This Comic takes you through why Concerto hates Rick so much! Created by David Brockton McKinney with art from Jarrett Williams.
What comics are you picking up? Let us know in the comments and we will catch you next week, same Nerd-Time, same Nerd-Channel.
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