Kaiju No. 8 is an anime based on the Manga by Naoya Matsumoto. The show tells the story of Kafka Hibino who gains the ability to transform into Kaiju No. 8. In connection with the show G Fuel is releasing “Full Release” which is a blend of flavors like kiwi, berry, and watermelon. The Kaiju No. 8. Full Release Energy Formula is zero sugar causing it to only have 15 calories per serving, and also includes antioxidants and 140 mg of caffeine.
G FUEL Full Release Collector’s Box sells for $39.99 and includes a 40-serving Tub of Full Release, a 24 oz Kaiju No. 8 themed Shaker Cup, and a Kaiju No. 8 sticker set. What stands out for the custom shaker cup is the stylized yellow-and-black caution tape and chibi-style artwork of Kafka.
While the flavor and Collector’s Box isn’t available yet, you can join the Waitlist Here, while waiting for the release you can check out Kaiju No. 8’s new episodes, subbed and dubbed, on Crunchyroll every Saturday.
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