In a collaboration with Toei Animation, GFuel has created a limited-edition collection of One Piece flavors dedicated to characters from
Category: CrunchyRoll
Rants And Reviews: 10 Days In The USA
It’s Friday, and that means it’s time to once again talk about a weekly board game! This time we are
G FUEL Launches Kaiju No. 8 “Full Release” Energy Drink
Kaiju No. 8 is an anime based on the Manga by Naoya Matsumoto. The show tells the story of Kafka
Check Out What Crunchyroll’s Ultimate Anime Fitness Challenge Was At SDCC 2023!
Crunchyroll has partnered with Hardcore Fitness and Charles Thorp to provide some non-extensive and fun spirited exercise to start your
Crunchyroll Brings Anime To EVO
EVO, or The Evolution Championship Series is the largest and longest-running fighting game tournament. While it’s mostly about bringing the
SDCC 2023 – Work Out Like An Anime Star And More From CrunchyRoll
Crunchyroll is returning to San Diego Comic-Con and they have a lot of plans! Crunchyroll Ultimate Anime Fitness Challenge Convention
Crunchyroll News Flies out of New York Comic Con!
Of the news that is coming out there are a couple important ones, specifically first off is that of new
Crunchyroll Pulls Out The Stops For Comic-Con 2022!
Crunchyroll is no foreigner to anime. They bring series and experiences to fans in over 200 countries and territories through
Are You Ready To Watch Funimation On Crunchyroll?!?
Having a lot of streaming options can be frustrating. For those not wanting to spend over 50 bucks a month
Jump Back Into The World Of Blade Runner With Black Lotus
Love Anime? Well then you’ll be happy to know that Crunchyroll and Adult Swim are at it again with the