We Try Out G Fuel’s New Energy + Protein Line-Up!

The good people at G Fuel sent us over their new G Fuel Energy + Protein powder packs. Specifically, they sent us their Mocha Latte, French Vanilla Latte, and Chocolate flavors.

Have you tried G Fuel’s energy powder and drinks in the past? They’ve done a great job making flavors, and even commercial tie-ins in the past which has included pre-made powders, single-use cans, and individual pouches.

This new version allows them to enter into a field of meal-replacement, pre and post-workout supplements, and metabolism boosting products.

We tried all three flavors, and our honest favorite flavor is the French Vanilla Latte. It has such a flavorful profile that it’s somewhere between a mix of French Vanilla Ice cream and the traditional French Vanilla Lattes. The Mocha Latte and Chocolate flavors were still very very good, I’ve just always been very partial to French Vanilla, and the vanilla bean flavor of the coffee is strong and tasty.

As for the protein and meal replacement, the whole beverage felt like a meal. Normally I have an energy slump during the day, but thanks to the Energy + Protein pack I was full of energy for my day.

I will say that in the video, we try the powder with milk, and it is much tastier with the milk, it still tastes good with water, but isn’t as filling.

If you want to pick up your own G Fuel Energy + Protein, you can do so Here and join the waitlist.

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