Hey, Trainers! How are you all? I hope you’re doing well, staying healthy and finding new and innovative ways to keep busy.
So, to cut directly to the chase; Niantic is giving us another shot at Abra Community Day.
Originally scheduled for March, it will instead be held on April the 25th, between 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. local time. That’s right, we get a period twice as long as normal to make the most of the festivities. Let’s break down the new bonuses:
This has been in no way, shape or form even hinted at by Niantic… but it’s a Generation 5 Pokemon whose whole deal is illusions. You have to admit, it makes sense! We can only hope.
That’s all the new information I have for you today, Trainers, at least regarding Community Day. There’s some other stuff that’s been talked about in the larger community in regards to some datamined information. Things like a raise in the level cap, (Finally!) but I tend to like to wait until we’ve had official word from Niantic before I talk about any new features in-depth. Rest assured, if and when this goes live, though? I’ll do my best to bring you up to date coverage.
As for Abra itself, you can read my Spotlight on the star of the April Community Day show Here!
As always, Trainers, I wish you the very best of luck, health, and happiness. Hopefully, Niantic has addressed any concerns you had about continued Community Day support for this strange period in history.
Speaking of history, and this is just a brief aside, the 14th of this month marked my one year anniversary writing these articles for you guys. For any regular readers, thanks so much for sticking with me. I appreciate it and I hope I’ve provided you useful information and some entertainment over the past 12 months. I’m looking forward to the next year’s worth of Pokemon GO content. I hope you are, too.
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