Hay there, Trainers – welcome back to our monthly Community Day round-up! This month we are saddled with the two

Hay there, Trainers – welcome back to our monthly Community Day round-up! This month we are saddled with the two
Hey, Trainers! Welcome back to our Community Day coverage. This month we’re looking at the second Kalos Starter, Fennekin! The
Hey, Trainers! Welcome to March Community Day featuring this lazy river-puppy – Slowpoke! The date and time? Saturday, March 18
Hey, Trainers! Welcome to the Season of Alola! Feel those warm breezes, smell the fresh pinap juice and get ready
Since May of 2019, we the Trainers have wanted one particular thing. Just one. Call us demanding if you must
UPDATEAPRIL FOOLS! Hey, Trainers. Boy, do we have a doozy of a Community Day coming up. In a cross-promotion event
Hey, Trainers. Let’s go ahead and welcome the newest editions to our collective Pokedexes – the new recruits from Kalos!
Hey there, Trainers – ready to take on the second of November’s Community Days? Last week we talked about Electabuzz,
Hey, Trainers! Looks like we have another chance to affect our destiny incoming as Niantic is having us pick between
Ho ho ho hello there, Trainers! Welcome to this month’s community day report! Pokemon as a franchise has a pretty