I want to prefrace this article with the fact that we haven’t been paid by Ultra Sabers, or even given any products from them. As fans of the world of Star Wars, we love lightsabers. With all the recent Star Wars shows on Disney+, the desire to own your very own lightsaber has been reignited in a lot of viewers.
So we wanted to talk about Ultra Sabers, which is a major recreation company that produces high-end lightsabers for the general public. They pride themselves on creating “elegant weapon, for a civilized age.”
They sell combat ready lightsabers for duels, or replica blades with sounds for showing off. Their sabers are made from high-quality billet aluminum that is custom CNC parts. Due to their material, their items have a strong construction. Whether you are following the practices of the Sith or Jedi, there are options available for you.
Their “Emerald” lightsaber has a power LED system that allows users to be able to choose the blade color with their 4-channel color mixer (Red, Green, Blue, and White). No additional devices are needed, you simply change the color of the blade with just the touch of a button on the lightsaber.
Their “Diamond” lightsabers have synchronized sound and different light effects for when you turn it on, turn it off, swing it, clash it on something, spin the saber, or make a stab movement. The on-board menus allow you to even teach it new gestures with up to 10 options on the menu, and up to 15 options if you connect it to your computer thanks to it’s 256 MB internal memory installed on the lightsaber. The blade also keeps the Emerald blade’s 4-channel color mixer so you can mix and match the blade to your preference.
They even have the option where you can create your very own lightsaber like a true Jedi Master. We’ve talked about Galaxy’s Edge lightsaber construction (see our article Here), but with Ultra Sabers there are so many more options available to create a truly custom design.
So if you want to build your own lightsaber you can do so Here!
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