Amazon Announces Their Own AI Chatbot, Q

With all of the things going on in the AI world right now, Amazon makes a strange entrance into the field with a Business Chatbot that is powered by Artificial Intelligence.

While the race to generate companies own tech in the field has led to Bing, Google, and more roll out their own versions, at their AWS conference, in Las Vegas, Amazon threw their hat into the AI “Space” Race.

Q can help employees with tasks, get content similar to their own by allowing Q to connect to and review your prior content, and generate text, images, and videos.

You can preview this technology Here.

This tech will continue to be released and included in updating already existing products. They hope to use it with their virtual assistant Alexa, to help increase how Alexa can help in home users.

While Amazon’s Q, probably one of the worst named projects, seems like it has a couple learning curves, hopefully the technology will help to make Amazon’s company more useful to it’s users with time.

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