Top 5 Fathers In Comic Books In Celebration Of Father’s Day

It’s father’s day, and while we usually put together a list of meme’s, and we will share later in the week some of our favorite meme articles from the past years, we wanted to do something different this year. So we are going to talk about the best fathers in the comic book world.

Alfred Pennyworth – DC Comics
First Appearance – Batman #16 (1943)
Alfred is not a traditional father. He never even took up the mantle of father for Bruce Wayne. Bruce was devestated by the loss of his parents, and Alfred dedicated his life to taking care of his young charge. He didn’t want to take up the role of father, or the title because he didn’t want to confuse Bruce in his difficult time. However, it’s clear from the comics that his love for Alfred was the love of a father.
Ben Parker – Marvel Comics
First Appearance – Amazing Fantasy #15 (1962)
The story of Peter Parker has changed a bit, but the traditional story always is that when Peter Parker’s parents disapeared or died, Peter moved in with his aunt and uncle. He was very young when his parent’s disapeared from his life, and as a result he glommed onto his aunt and uncle. The rebellion of Peter in his teenage years pushed him further from Ben, but he loved his uncle like a father. His loss of his uncle was and always is a defining characteristic of the hero.
Jonathan Kent – DC Comics
First Appearance – Superman #1 (1939)
DCEU Pa Kent aside, Jonathan took on the mantel of father when him and his wife found Clark in a field so long ago. He raised Clark as his own son, and when you think about Superman’s strong moral backbone in his actions as a hero, we know exactly where they came from.
Bruce Wayne – DC Comics
First Appearance – Detective Comics #27 (1937)
There are a lot of issues with Bruce Wayne, as there usually is with people who have had difficult childhoods. He has taken on many wards through his life, all of which became Robins. Whether you consider Jason Todd, Tim Drake, or Dick Grayson his actual son, or if you think dragging impressionable children into his lifestyle is the actions of a good father, it’s important to note that all of those children had a tortured childhood before they were brought into the halls of Wayne Manor. While Batman is a difficult and hard to understand father, he always does the best he can to support his children, and has been an inspiration and a support system for them.
Alexander Fairchild – Wildstorm Comics
First Appearance – Gen 13 #4 (1994)
This one is a hard one. Alexander Fairchild was forced to go underground when he began to be hunted by a shadow organization who wanted to use his powers for their nepharious goals. At the time he only knew of one child he had, and to protect her, he left her with her aunt and uncle to be raised with a normal life. However, when his daughter became the target of that same organization, he returned to help keep them safe. In the end he sacrificed his own life to protect his daughter. The ultimate sacrifice of a loving father.

Who is your favorite comic book father? Let us know in the comments below! We hope you liked our list, and we will see you guys next week!

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