With Nandor Fodor and the Talking Mongoose in the final stretch of its production you might be wondering what can you, a fan of Legion M, and viewer of our site naturally, do to help Nandor Fodor wrap. Well its director Adam Sigal needs your help, or more specifically, your pet’s help.
They want to use a bevy of video clips at the end of the film, in the credits, of animals making or saying human-like sounds. To pull off this task, they are turning to their shareholders and fans to help facilitate that result!
People can submit their clips Here and Legion M ask that the clips belong fully to the submitter and that they be granted full rights to the clips for the film.
They are leaving submissions open until November 21, 2022, but they would love it if you could submit quickly.
Additionally, if you know someone who has a pet clip, you can share the link with them, or nominate them to Legion M, as long as you can provide their contact information.
People selected will of course have their clip in the film, but will also be mentioned in the film’s credits for helping to contribute to the film.
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