We’re back once again to talk about the great show, Is It Cake. This year, they released a special short

We’re back once again to talk about the great show, Is It Cake. This year, they released a special short
We love Halloween here at Nerd News Social, it’s one of our favorite holidays. So when we saw that Matthew
In the times of early COVID a way of confusion fled the Internet when people were becoming obsessed, irked, and
Squid Game is on a lot of people’s minds right now. Fans eagerly await the second season. While people are
When it comes to reviews it’s really hard to review reality TV shows. The traditional review mold for series doesn’t
If you’re a fan of Nathan Fielder you most likely know of a show called Nathan For You. In that
We previewed shows like Nailed It, and a couple of other reality programs in the past, so it shouldn’t come
We saw the trailer for Sexy Beasts, and while we don’t watch dating shows or reality TV, the premise sucked
Borat is back, and it’s the mid 2000s all over again! We haven’t had to go long without the antics
We live in a world of disposable items, from your coffee pods, all the way to your yearly cell phone