Games Done Quick is coming back to in persom speed running! Their “Awesome Games Done Quick” marathon will run in person this January from the 14th to the 21st in Pennsylvania, and for those not able to attend, or speedrun, you can still participate virtually and watch on Twitch Here.
This event, in the interest of keeping its participants safe, have decided to stick with their fully online concept, and is keeping their gamers as distanced as possible! Their goal of raising money for charity will continue, as they have raised over $31 million over the last ten years for groups like Doctors Without Borders, Prevent Cancer Foundation, Direct Relief, AbleGamers, Malala Fund, and Organization for Autism Research.
This event will specifically be working to raise money for the Prevent Cancer Foundation!
If you are interested in this event, you can appear in person at the Pittsburgh Wyndham, or check out their twitch channel Here from January 14th 2024 through January 21st 2024 or you might miss out on the fun!
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