In a collaboration with Toei Animation, GFuel has created a limited-edition collection of One Piece flavors dedicated to characters from the series.
These unique Energy Flavors include:
- Monkey D. Luffy’s Gum-Gum Fruit – a drink themed to be flavored like lemon ice.
Tony Tony Chopper’s Human-Human Fruit – a drink themed to be flavored like cotton candy.
Nico Robin’s Flower-Flower Fruit – a drink flavored like orange pineapple melon.
Brook’s Revive-Revive Fruit – a drink themed to be flavored like peach kiwi dragon fruit.
They will be also releasing the flavors in a ONE PIECE Collector’s Box in a treasure chest themed box, with the four flavors, a special edition shaker cup, and limited-edition stickers.
This limited-edition ONE PIECE Collector’s Box sells for $74.99. The flavors are sugar-free with only 15 calories a serving and 140 mg of caffeine.
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