As we prepare for the opening of theaters and the return to normal life practices, we want to remind people that we are still within the thralls of a pandemic, and recommend people check out our article on “If You Should Go Out” Here. Until then though, if you do go to a theater make sure it has a policy of requiring attendees to wear masks, and sit in isolated groups out of proximity of other viewers.
The Bad Guys – Releasing in Theaters
Rotten Tomatoes Reviewer Score – (None Available Yet)
The words most dangerous animated villains have been caught and Mr. Wolf, voiced by Sam Rockwell, makes a deal to keep his crew out of jail. But does the desire to keep out of jail enough to keep his team out of trouble, or will they actually become The Good Guys.
This animated film actually looks really good. It’s an interesting play to do it ala Zootopia, but there are a lot more jokes and fun that can be hidden in animal-related antics and puns. If you got a family, you are definitely going to be seeing this one with the little ones.
Hit The Road – Releasing in Theater
Rotten Tomatoes Reviewer Score – 90%
When an Iranian family takes a traditional road trip some unexpected twists and turns help the family build even more than they ever have before.
It’s nice to see representation in movies and have friends that I know who went back home to Iran and went on their very own family road trip, I can with honesty say that it’s a realistic representation of the journey.
The Northman – Releasing in Theater
Rotten Tomatoes Reviewer Score – (None Available Yet)
A Viking prince takes on the quest to avenge his father in an action-filled tale filled with amazing actors like Alexander Skarsgård, Nicole Kidman, Claes Bang, Anya Taylor-Joy, Ethan Hawke, Björk, and Willem Dafoe.
Vikings are a hot-ticket story fodder of recent years and frankly, the cast of this film is so amazing that even if the story isn’t perfect, it clearly will be worth watching on spectacle alone!
The Revolution Generation – Releasing in Theaters and Streaming
Rotten Tomatoes Reviewer Score – (None Available Yet)
A documentary about the new generation of young leaders who are rising up to repair a world that has failed them. Narrated by the ever-talented Michelle Rodriguez.
It’s important to remember that while a lot of people like to say the youth of America is lost but I see non-stop hope in the youth of today. It’s sad that we had to place them in such a horrible situation that they have to take over.
The Unbearable Weight Of Massive Talent – Releasing in Theaters
Rotten Tomatoes Reviewer Score – 100%)
When Nicolas Cage needs a little extra money he takes a job attending a superfan’s destination birthday. The two fall into quick friendship, but Cage quickly finds out that his new friend, played by Pedro Pascal, is the target of a CIA operation.
This looks like the most over-the-top and exciting movie that Cage has ever starred in and frankly, that’s saying something! I can’t wait for this film.
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