Since we have unboxed this product they have released more information on how to use the device, we plan to try the software out in the near future, and report about our findings
While back we discovered the Tactigon Skin. This device made a lot of promises online. It was going to be a new way to interface with your computer, hotkeys and buttons specifically to allow you to control applications, voice commands that it can pick up and be able to use to replace your mouse and traditional interfaces for your general devices. It can be used as a tool for 3D modeling, controlling robots, and so much more.
It was going to be able to be interfaced with Arduino products, did not require a wireless adapter to plug into the computer as the device itself would serve that function, and it was available to be pre-ordered on indiegogo.
All these promises and the design was amazing, sleek, and beautiful with its red, white, and black design. We were sold. We covered this tech, you can see our prior article Here.
Frankly, we wanted to see this thing come to fruition so that not only would other people get it but that we ourselves could enjoy the functionality of this device.
However, once the campaign was incredibly successful in the amount of backers swelled to oppressive numbers, the campaign suffered serious setbacks in the way of lack of chipset production and of course, COVID.
Claims were made, the shortage slowed down the production, and while COVID definitely was most likely a factor, the device was set to ship well after the initial wave of COVID hit.
The next thing that happened unfortunately was redesigns, strip downs, and removal of features and products that were promised in the crowdfunding campaign.
Gone was this beautiful injection molded piece of hardware with accessible buttons and voice commands, replaced with cheap plastic with stickers placed upon it for design.
Human hands are one of the sweatiest and most caustic things in the world. They are going to sweat with use in time and produce oils and other materials on a regular basis even when not sweating. These cheap and sad stickers on this device are not going to last long in comparison. Even paint, and dyed materials, start to lose their luster in color over use when regularly placed in the users hands, you can look at video game controllers as one example of where it has occurred in the past.
On top of that, one of the most egregious things would most likely be the now need for the base to be attached to the computer for the controller to contact and communicate with the device. That itself is in direct opposition to a promise made to the consumers of this tool.
While the product is now shipping out to its backers, and is doing so one or two at a time, it’s slow for sure. It’s still incredibly frustrating for anyone who had high hopes for this product.
Now that the product is going out, it’s not clear to the general user how to even use the device. The website where the information says to go has no support or instructions, and the downloadable app for your computer has no software to install to help you in using the device.
We’re willing to give this more time to try it out once I’ve gotten their software together, but I can’t help but be disappointed in this tool that I had so many high hopes for as the company, in our opinion, lied to us in the crowdfunding stage.
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