If you live in Los Angeles, are a fan of gaming of any kind, and haven’t heard of Strategicon, then you are in luck!
Strategicon is not a convention, but actually three conventions held around LAX. While they are primarily known as a board game convention, that is not all that they do.
The three annual conventions ran by Strategicon are Orccon (Presidents Day Weekend), Gamex (Memorial Day Weekend), and Gateway (Labor Day Weekend).
The convention starts on the Friday prior to the holiday with options available for gamers starting as early as noon, and then continues through out the day and night of the weekend until the Monday of the actual holiday at 6 P.M..
No gaming realm is off limits (within reason people!) as you can game with like minded people in the theme of family, historical, fantasy, and science fiction in the medium of board, card, computer, miniatures, and roleplaying games.
Here is a clear and easy to understand list of what is available:
As a general guest, I would recommend trying out a game that is not out yet (usually with the creators), learn how to play a new game from a game host, checking out a new game from the library, join a tournament, or purchase a new game from the dealer room.
As a game designer guest, I would recommend registering your game for group play, buying a table in the dealer room to sell your games or demo your game regularly, purchase an add in their convention book (at only $60 bucks a quarter page, well worth it!).
As a hardcore role-player, enjoy never seeing light as you non-stop play RPGs!
You can check out their website, and register, HERE!
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